This is a kind of a personal list of notes for myself.
Somebody found these notes quite useful, so I decided to share them.
Zip Differ
A tool to visually compare the contents of ZIP archives -
gettext 0.24 and iconv 1.17 - Binaries for Windows
Download gettext & iconv binaries for Windows - 32 and 64 bits - shared and static. -
Type hint in PHP function parameters and return values, properties and constants
All the scalar, compound and special types used in function (and method) parameter and results, for any PHP version. -
Unicode Codepoints
The complete list of Unicode Codepoints, with a quick search function and JavaScript/HTML/PHP codes -
Deploy to GitHub repositories in TravisCI Jobs
How to push to GitHub repositories (or access private repositories) from TravisCI Jobs -
Time zone converter
GDPR and Google Tag Manager
How to add cookies in a GDPR-compliant way using Google Tag Manager -
concrete5 with Apache and NGINX on Ubuntu 18.04
How to install and configure NGINX (as reverse proxy) and Apache to be used to run a concrete5 website. -
Online Tools
A set of online helper utilities (compare text lines, ...) -
Windows: official and custom Certification Authorities in Git, PHP, ...
How to configure tools like PHP and Git to trust official and custom Certification Authorities -
concrete5 plugin for Eclipse
Map branches and pull requests for GitHub
Map repository branches to pull requests -
Install the ImageMagick PHP extension in Windows
How to install the ImageMagick PHP extension () in Windows. -
Online Gettext tools
PHP-CS-Fixer Configurator
Let's Encrypt test server (Boulder)
How to set up a local server to test Let's Encrypt -
My PHP Development Environment
PHP development environment with multiple PHP versions and step-by-step debugging. -
My Gists
List of the gists of mine. -
Deploy with git push
How to automatically deploy (ie publish) to a remote server with a simple git push.